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3 Ways Accountants Can Help Their Clients Sell Their Company

Are you an accounting or taxation practitioner?

Then I can add to your profit line.  

My name is Frank Coombes and I am a corporate finance specialist with over 20 years’ experience.  

I can work with your clients to successfully complete a corporate finance transaction be it:

  • Business Disposal
  •  Business Acquisition
  • Raising Debt and Non-Debt Finance.  

I bring specific corporate finance expertise and experience to these transactions and thereby delivering the first class service that your client expects.  This is done while still delivering to profit line of your practice.

Below are 3 examples of how Accountant or Taxation practitioners can help clients who are considering succession planning and want to extract value from their shareholding:

1. Selling the Business

Perhaps you have a client who is considering succession planning and wishes to exit the business through the sale of their company?  

He or she will want to maximise the return on their lifetimes work.  

In this situation:

  • I will work with your practice to deliver the expertise your client needs to maximise his or her return
  • I will lead and manage the whole business disposal process using a tried and tested methodology that maximises the return for your client while minimises the disruption to your client’s business.
  • Your practice will be called on during this process in the areas of your expertise in accounting and taxation while I deliver my expertise in corporate finance.

In essence we are working in partnership, each delivering our own expertise, to deliver a first class service to your client.  

This is all achieved while still delivering a return to your profit line.

2. Passing the company to family or management and still extract value

Another example may be that your client, (instead of wanting to sell their business) wants to pass it onto a family member or indeed onto loyal management within the company.  

Your client would still like to reap the financial return for their hard work.  

In this situation:

  • I can bring my corporate finance expertise to deliver a funding partner for the acquiring family member or management team. This will allow your client to receive a financial reward.
  • I will again lead and manage the whole process that will minimises the disruption to your client’s business.
  • Your practice will again be called on for your expertise in accounting and taxation while I deliver my expertise in corporate finance.

Here again we can work in partnership and pool our expertise to deliver a first class service and result for your client, while still adding to the profit line of your practice.

3. Part Disposal of the business to secure a nest egg

Perhaps your client would like the idea of taking some money “off the table”.

They can sell some of their shares now while bringing in a financial partner to help them grow the business further with an ultimate disposal in five plus years.  

In this situation:

  • I bring Private Equity investors who will allow your client to receive significant funds, while retaining a shareholding in the business.
  • The Private Equity investor(s) can also invest further funds into the business to deliver further growth. 
  • This will allow your client to take a funds “off the table” by selling some of their shares and secure a nest egg. 
  • It also allows your client to continue with the business with a new financial partner to drive new growth in the business.  Then both your client and the financial partner will exit together in the future, realising further value for your client.

Again in this transaction, I will partner with you practice, adding my expertise to yours to deliver a first class service to your client while still adding to the profit line of your practice.

Other Examples of where we can partner together:

Your client wants to buy another business 

Perhaps your client wants to buy another business.  

In this situation:

  • I manage the acquisition from initial negotiations, through due diligence and manage the final completion of the transaction.  This is done while minimising the disruption to your client’s day to day business.  
  • I also assist with the post-acquisition integration, integrating the new acquired business with your client’s existing business.

Your client needs to raise finance

Perhaps your client needs to raise finance – either to expand organically or to complete an acquisition.  

In this situation: 

  • I can bring the corporate finance expertise to source and deliver such finance.

In summary 

I can partner with you to pool my corporate finance expertise with your accounting and taxation expertise to deliver a first class service to your client while still adding to the profit line of your practice.  

Interested in learning more or discussing specific client situations?

Get in touch today, with full confidentiality: 
Tel: +353 (0)86 6817103.